SOFTSWISS Jackpot Aggregator teams up with Lucky Dreams to power jackpot campaigns – slots mobile IAG

SOFTSWISS Jackpot Aggregator, a multipurpose jackpot solution for increasing player acquisition and retention, has launched a new jackpot campaign for Lucky Dreams online casino, the company revealed Thursday.The partnership aims to bring players an exciting opportunity to win big with various jackpots casino gambling.Lucky Dreams, which operates under a Curacao licence and makes cryptocurrency payments accessible to its players, offers a wide content hub that includes live casino games, slots, table games and other game categories.The jackpot campaign, called Dreamy Jackpots, has three independent levels of jackpots: Mega, Major and Mini. Entry conditions include a minimum bet of €1 with a maximum potential win of up to €1 million.Aliaksei Douhin, Head of SOFTSWISS Jackpot Aggregator, said, “The collaboration between the Jackpot Aggregator and Lucky Dreams is going to be fruitful for both parties. The launch of the jackpot campaign went smoothly, with a high level of partner engagement and huge support from our team. It is worth noting that Lucky Dreams places great emphasis on their players’ gaming experience, and we share this approach, which is reflected at every stage of the jackpot campaign.“Along with game audio, animation and other gamification elements, the jackpots elevate the unique gaming experience for each user. The partner’s openness to knowledge exchange and high level of loyalty to their players reinforce confidence in this partnership.”The Lucky Dreams Team added “We are very delighted to launch the long-awaited Jackpot Aggregator’s campaign in collaboration with SOFTSWISS. Being a casino that cares about our customers a lot, we are glad to meet our players’ demands and provide them with a unique solution that will improve gamification.“The whole process was fun and we have really enjoyed working with a team of professionals during the course of the last few months. Not only were they able to provide us with assistance and help around the clock, but they were also eager to share their knowledge and experience with us. We really had a feeling that we were cared for, and even after the launch of the campaign we are still getting feedback from the Jackpot Aggregator team. They are helping us to make our product even better!“The most amazing thing about the slots mobile SOFTSWISS Jackpot Aggregator is the level of customization that allows every operator to come up with something new and stand out among other casinos in the industry. slots mobile We wanted to put emphasis on making our jackpot campaign very slots mobile vivid and make winning a jackpot as unforgettable as possible.”The Jackpot Aggregator is an innovative solution designed to increase the efficiency of casino operations, providing extensive opportunities to launch jackpot campaigns that enable an iGaming business to thrive. The product recently announced the integration with the SOFTSWISS Sportsbook, making it possible to launch jackpot campaigns for sports betting platforms.